my wheel of time (tv) fic recs

5,000 words or less

Bandage and Braid by zychek
Logain, Nynaeve, rated G

Two drabbles for two people left with silence where there used to be sound.

On losing their connection to the Source.

Beside a Fire by kaasknot
Lan/Nynaeve, 1x04, rated G

“The camp was quiet with shock. Warder and Aes Sedai alike walked softly, their eyes turning and returning to the Greens’ tent, where Moiraine had sequestered herself and the wilder in Kerene’s old quarters.”

1x04 coda

Can't Hear You Now by homecriticismchef
Egwene & Perrin, 1x05, rated G

Perrin and Egwene fix each other with what they have to hand.

1x05 episode tag

Ceremony by atarynnosaurus
Lan/Moiraine, post 1x04, rated E

With the synchronicity of battle, they inhale, a tension pulling their bodies apart, just so. In that brief space of suspended time and distance, they take the chance to bare each other. Then as they exhale, their bodies meet again, skin to skin. The sudden bright feeling of it is almost scalding, after the indifferent barrier of their clothing, but she wraps her arms around him at once, gathering him to her, drawing him as close as she can while they remain within their own bodies.

Post 1x04. Thank-the-Light-we're-alive sex.

Corruption by daydreamer0083
Rand/Mat, 1x04, rated T

Mat falls ill while grappling with the aftermath of their stay at the farm. Rand worries about him.

1x04 coda

Could Do Better by markantonys
Rand/Mat, rated T

He’d been waiting approximately eighteen hours for Mat to apologize but he still hadn’t, so even though Mat had been in the wrong, Rand finally acknowledged it was up to him to make peace.

But he wasn’t sure why his peace offering ended up being, “Dana thought we were a couple.”

A dash of fake relationship. I love these two morons.

Gratia by atarynnosaurus
Moiraine/Nynaeve, 1x04, rated T

After what happened in the cavern, and the way the Aes Sedai camp starts acting around her, Nynaeve retreats for some much needed solitude. Moiraine interrupts, but the two manage to find an unexpected common ground, and share some open honest conversation about what happened.

1x04 coda

how time advances by kathryne
Moiraine/Siuan, pre-canon, rated E

An unexpected encounter on the road, a moment of weakness far from Tar Valon, and Moiraine is forced to confront the depths of her longing for Siuan.

Pre-canon angst.

kiss it better by jessicawhitly
Lan/Moiraine, 1x04, rated M

The scar is fresh and pink, and his fingers brush it gently.

"A new mark," she murmurs, and he hums as his fingers brush over the round of her shoulder.

"You seem to collect them these days."

1x04 coda

let me sleep, i am tired of my grief (and i would like you to love me) by closertoheavenn
Moiraine/Siuan, 1x06, rated T

For the first time in nearly two years, Moiraine dreams.

In her dream, there is a river, and a house. A wooden cottage that glows golden in the bright light of the sun, attached to a small, rustic pier stretching into white water weaves, flowing threads within the river, amid rocks crowned with verdant moss. Moiraine is certain she has never been there, but somehow, the place has an odd familiarity to it.

Episode 1x06. Beautiful and wistful.

Pearl Diving by TheMarvelousMadMadamMim
Siuan/Moiraine, 1x06, rated E

After more than two years, Moiraine has returned. Siuan is reminded of who they are, and who they've been.

1x06 missing scene. Angsty smut.

Penance by LostBerryQueen
Siuan/Moiraine, 1x06, not rated

“You asked if you had been forgiven.” Siuan’s hand trailed leisurely down Moiraine’s body. She let it linger in the small of her back. “I think you still have a penance to pay.”

Missing scene from episode 1x06. Scorching hot.

Red Silk by kaasknot
Lan/Nynaeve, post 1x04, rated G

"This day was almost over, and thank the Light for that. Lan hadn't had much time to process what had happened in the cave, thrown straight from miracle into clean-up, but his body certainly hadn't forgotten. Weariness sank its teeth in his bones."

Post 1x04. Pining and haircare.

Some Wheels Break by ofredandgold
Original Character, worldbuilding, rated G

She’s in training to become Aes Sedai, and Aes Sedai are women.

Everyone knows that.

(Or: growing up transgender when you don’t even know what that is.)

A nice bit of worldbuilding for such a strictly gendered magic system.

Something Bitter in the Sweetness by Kapua
Siuan/Moiraine, post 1x08, rated E

Siuan leads Moiraine inside, and she thinks her heart breaks all over again when she sees the way that Moiraine won't look at her. She knows where Moiraine's mind has gone, knows the darkness that is settling over her and threatening to drag her down into its depths, and she vows to do everything in her power to try to hold it back even a little while longer. To convince Moiraine that she is still every bit as worthy no matter whether she can channel or not.


Siuan goes to Moiraine in Tear after the finale.

Post 1x08 angst, plus art and smut.

To The End by atarynnosaurus
Lan & Moiraine, post 1x08, rated T

'A quip in her mouth, and a smirk on her lips, she had taken his hand in hers, squeezing and slowly pulling back. Her face had fallen when she had stared at her own hand and found his blood staining it. Blood she had just bidden to return to his body. From a wound she had willed to heal. She had stared at that hand for far too long, her body rigid, her face set, and they had all noticed it.'

Post 1x08. Hurt/comfort.

Unsaid by markantonys
Rand/Mat, 1x06, rated G

“Mat! Mat!” Rand yelled, but it was too late. The open field was gone. Mat was gone. The only thing before him now was rocky darkness.

Episode tag for 1x06.

The Wisdom of the Two Rivers by kaasknot
Loial & Nynaeve, 1x05, rated G

There was an ogre in the White Tower gardens.

1x05 missing scene, on how Nynaeve and Loial met. There are not enough fanworks about Loial, and this one is fantastic.

Woe is We by atarynnosaurus
Lan & Siuan, rated G

'Lan bowed deeply as he entered the study, hands clasped behind his back in a traditional military pose, eyes lowered respectfully, “Amyrlin,” he murmured quietly.

“Oh bugger that,” Siuan snapped, kicking the chair beside her to angle it towards him, “There’s no-one here but us, so leave your formality and arse kissing at the door and come take a seat, will you?"'

A nice look at the relationship between Lan & Siuan, brought together by their shared mission and their love for Moiraine.

5,001-10,000 words

Coat Made of My Leather by BurgerBurgerBurger
Alanna/Liandrin, 1x05, rated E

Heat blooms across Liandrin's cheeks. Alanna's perennial mocking gnaws at her stomach like a dog with a bone, and Liandrin counts herself a fool for letting this conversation last as long as it has.

Episode 1x05. Beautifully characterized, and I love that they have their own complicated relationship that isn't about Moiraine (except for the times when it is about Moiraine).

Once and Future by igrockspock
Lan/Nynaeve, future fic, rated T

When Lan reclaims the throne of Malkier, Nynaeve must decide what it means to be a Wisdom and what it means to go home.

Excellent Nynaeve and a great look at a possible future.

The Night Is All That's Left by Kapua
Siuan/Moiraine, post s1 finale, rated T

"Please don't hate me."

Lan frowns down at Moiraine as she speaks. He might still be angry with her—infuriated, even—but he could never dream of hating her. She is the other half of his soul, his heart made manifest in flesh and blood outside of his body. Seeing her like this is more painful than any injury he could sustain to his own person.


Three nights following the season finale.

Hurt/comfort focused on Moiraine after that season finale. Also includes some very good Lan & Moiraine and Nynaeve & Moiraine feelings, plus art!

10,001-30,000 words

Like You Drown Oceans by LettersfromLaika
Lan/Nynaeve, missing scenes, rated M

Before, during, and after. Little snippets and filler scenes of Nynaeve and Lan throughout Season 1 of The Wheel of Time.

Missing scenes with Nynaeve during season 1, plus speculation for what comes next. I love how this continues to build on her relationship with Lan, and on how it builds on her character as a whole.

30,001-50,000 words

50,001-100,000 words

more than 100,000 words